
Northeast Michigan Prescription for Health program is accepting new enrollees

The Northeast Michigan Prescription for Health program is currently accepting new enrollees. This is a free six week series focused on nutrition and incorporating more fresh produce into your diet. For every one hour weekly session participants attend, they will receive $10 in vouchers to use at your local farmers’ market or grocer to purchase fresh produce.

Northeast Michigan Prescription for Health is funded through a grant from the Michigan Health Endowment Fund. Partners include the Community Foundation for Northeast Michigan, Alcona Health Center, Thunder Bay Community Health Service, Inc., District Health Departments 2, 4, and 10, and MSU Extension.

This program is based on health and the desire for nutrition education and is not incomed based.

Northeast Michigan Prescription Program Co-Coordinator Malinda Amlotte states, “We hope citizens take advantage of this program because it is a win-win for our communities. Participants are given nutrition education and help reinforcing healthy habits and the $10 vouchers they are issued to spend help increase sales for local vendors at their hometown farmers’ markets.”

Anyone wanting more information or to register for a class can contact the MSU Extension office for their county. Alcona 724-6478, Alpena 354-9876, Montmorency 785-8013 or Presque Isle 231-627-8815.


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